Wednesday, 10 April 2024 15:30

Immigration head office yet to fix CCTV cameras purchased six years ago Featured

A Parliamentary Committee has revealed that CCTV camera equipment that had been purchased at a cost of Rs. 2.1 million to be fixed at the internal premises of the Immigration and Emigration head office had been stored for six years without being fixed.

This was revealed when the Immigration and Emigrations Department was summoned before the Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) recently.

It was further revealed that the equipment had been purchased in 2017 and that however, all the equipment required to install CCTV cameras had not been purchased.

The officials who were responsible for the purchase have been transferred by now.COPA Chairman Lasantha Alagiyawanna instructed to appoint a committee headed by an additional secretary of the Public Security Ministry and take steps to install the CCTV cameras and submit a progress report before May 15.

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