Monday, 09 September 2024 13:02

Hotel Suisse Kandy gets Rs. 500 million revamp Featured

The Hotel Suisse Kandy will undergo a refurbishment at an estimated cost of Rs. 500 million.

The funding for this project will come from the Group’s available cash reserves. The hotel is currently closed and is scheduled to reopen to the public in December 2024, upon completion of the renovation.

The Hotel Suisse is owned by Kandy Hotels Company (1938) PLC (KHC), in which Ceylon Hotels Corporation PLC owns 70% stake. The KHC had Rs. 6.5 billion in other capital reserves and Rs. 1.3 billion in retained earnings as at 30 June 2024.

The hotel has 90 rooms, including seven suites, a lounge bar, and restaurant. It also has an outdoor swimming pool, Ayurvedic centre, sauna, and spa.

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