The Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced yesterday the launch of a new country partnership strategy (CPS) for Sri Lanka spanning 2024–2028. The strategy aims to restore the country’s macroeconomic stability, revive growth, and lay the groundwork for sustainable recovery and resilience.

Global Conversions, a leading Sri Lankan-owned company specialising in automobile re-engineering, has achieved a remarkable milestone in the automotive industry, with successful conversion of the world’s first Hummer EV SUV to right-hand drive.

Police in Haiti have killed at least three people while repelling an attack on the country's central bank.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024 08:43

Scientists say they can cut HIV out of cells

Scientists say they have successfully eliminated HIV from infected cells, using Nobel Prize-winning Crispr gene-editing technology.

The number of airlines operating flights to Sri Lanka has steadily increased over the years post-pandemic, indicating a significant interest in the country as a tourist destination.

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SriLankan Airlines has posted a notable operational profit of Rs. 43.4 billion for the 2022/’23 fiscal year, indicating a significant improvement compared to the previous year’s surplus of Rs. 1.7 billion.

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The first LNG battery hybrid powered RORO vessel berthed at the Hambantota International Port (HIP) for the discharge of construction machinery and equipment (high and heavy vehicles including airport buses, mobile cranes, etc.).

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The Union of Customs Officers has announced that their trade union action, involving the withdrawal from overtime services, will continue for the fourth consecutive day today.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $100 million loan to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka more access to finance and build their resilience to external shocks, such as the economic crisis and climate change.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $100 million loan to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka more access to finance and build their resilience to external shocks, such as the economic crisis and climate change.

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