Falck Sri Lanka [Med1 (Pvt) Limited] is located in Dehiwala. Falck Sri Lanka [Med1 (Pvt) Limited] is working in Ambulances, Health and medical, Hospitals activities. You can contact the company at
0112 683 983. You can find more information about Falck Sri Lanka [Med1 (Pvt) Limited] at
www.falck.lk" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.cybo.com/r/biz/web?urlbname=falck-sri-lanka-med-pvt-limited&%3Biso=LK&%3Bidx=0&dt=2023-06-15&hh=f04b98f19b019f781f6fca33591e68afe411f052a68707668c3995d0e423d423">www.falck.lk.
**Ambulances, Hospital activities, Other human health activities.