Be a leading partner in making Sri Lanka the “Emerging Wonder of Asia” by providing an island wide modern road network and world-class maritime facilities.
Composing suitable policies and preparing efficient mechanism for the effective utilization of limited resources and modern technology to maintain the road network and marine activities in optimum level for the socio economic development of the nation.
Subject and Functions
Formulation of policies programmes and projects in regard to the subjects of Ports, Highways and Expressways and all subjects that come under the purview of Departments and Statutory Institutions mentioned below on the basis of Mahinda Chinthna - Vision for the Future and any other over-all National Policies that may be adopted by the Government.
Road Development Authority and its Subsidiaries and Associates
Road Development Fund
Sri Lanka Ports Authority and its Subsidiaries and Associates
Ceylon Shipping Corporation Ltd and its Subsidiaries and Associates
Director General Office of Merchant Shipping
Direction of the implementation of such policies, programmes and projects within time lines agreed with the national planning authorities and within budgeted resources, with a view to achieving relevant objectives.
Provision of all public services that come under the purview of the Ministry in an efficient and people friendly manner.
Reforming of all systems and procedures to ensure the conduct of business in an efficient manner deploying modern management techniques and technology where applicable while eliminating corruption and waste
Provision and Maintenance in optimum condition of a high quality network of national highways and other principal road
Implementation of the Maga Neguma Rural Road Development Programme
Improvement of clear co-ordination process to cover all road project implementing agencies for an integration development and monitoring collection of road user charges in respect of National Policy
Formulation of Programmes and Projects based on National Policy in respect of Provincial and Local Authority roads and co-ordination and monitoring of such programmes and projects
Road Development activities connected to Kottawa, Kaduwela and Kadawatha Township Development Project
Development and Administration of ports and harbours, light houses and beacons, oil installation other than those belong to Admiralty
Arbitration of disputes between shipping Service providers and users
Establish rules of competition for shipping Services
Assist and ensure consultation between shipping service providers and users
Receiving of Wrecks and Ocean salvages
Administration of Shipping Development Fund
Freight and shipping Services
Coastwise passenger traffic